Thursday, March 1, 2012

Bring Pictures, Please

The smartest action you can take when getting your haircut is to bring a picture of the styles you like. Yes, I did use the plural form of style. Why? Because it is helpful to have more than one picture. That way, you and your stylist can go over why one might work for you better than another.

Communication is an important factor in achieving your desired look. You, as the client, can have a clear idea of what you want, you can verbally tell a talented stylist, and end up with something completely different than you imagined. Pictures really help with communication because you can point at what you like and, in turn, the stylist has a springboard for finding exactly what it is you like about the cut. When you don't have a picture, the two of you can have very different ideas of what a word means.

Fortunately, there is a wealth of pictures on the internet. You don't need to spend money on a pricey hair magazine. All you need is a computer and a printer (which is available at your local library if you don't have one). Also, don't rely on the magazines and books in the salon, they are often outdated and they are more tedious to look through.

Lastly, keep in mind that getting the same haircut as the celebrity in the picture does not mean you will look like them once you are done. It is easy to say "I know that!" right now, but not so easy when you realize it sitting in the chair. The haircut can be the same cut, but you may have a different head shape or your face may be shaped differently. Even the color of your hair matters because certain highlights or lowlights give the illusion of depth. Your hair may be thicker or thinner as well. Never let your face shape prevent you from getting a certain cut (or age or anything else), but do realize it affects the outcome.

Knowledge helps with satisfaction and pictures helps with communication. Bring pictures!

This is one of my customers who is consistently terrific about bringing pictures!

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